The INSPIRE Project, Inc. 107 S West Street PMB #425 Alexandria, VA 22314-2824
[email protected]

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The INSPIRE Project has a strong and diverse leadership team.
Phillip A. Webb, President Paul Schou, Vice President Anne Taylor, Treasurer Karin Edgett, Secretary
Fatima Bocoum, International Telecommunication Union Rick Chappell, Vanderbilt University Ellen McLean, Fairfax County Public Schools
Dennis Gallagher, Chief Technical Advisor, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL) Mitzi Adams, Educational & Technical Advisor, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL) Leonard Garcia, Space Physics Advisor, Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD) Lou Mayo, Educational Advisor, Marymont University (Arlington, VA) Tim Eastman, Goddard Science Advisor, Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD) - Retired David Piet, STEM Advisor, Amazon (San Francisco, CA) Alma Smith, Grades 6-12 STEM Educational Advisor Julia Martas, Grades 6-12 STEM Educational Advisor Jacqueline Fernandez-Romero, STEM Educational
Eva Kloostra, Space Ad Agency, Educational Program Coordinator and Journal Editor
William (Bill) W. L. Taylor was a leader in the field of space science
education and public outreach. He co-founded and was president of
INSPIRE, one of the pioneering successes in NASA Sun Earth Connection
Education. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center honored the late William W.
L. Taylor with an Excellence In Outreach Award for his lifetime
William E. Pine
Kathleen A.E. Franzen, INSPIRE Past President Jack Reed, INSPIRE Board Member 1992-2009 Jim Ericson, INSPIRE 1st Vice President 1981-2006
United States Barbara Clemens Justin Madigan Derrsie Mabratu, Howard University PHD Program William McVay
International Fatima Bocoum, Geneva, Switzerland Flavio Gori, Florence, Italy Georgios Pagkas, Athens, Greece
Dr. William (Bill) W. L. Taylor was a leader in the field of space science education and public outreach. He co-founded and was president of INSPIRE, one of the pioneering successes in NASA Sun Earth Connection Education. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center honored the late William W. L. Taylor with an Excellence In Outreach Award for his lifetime accomplishments.